
Become our Scholarship Holder

With our expertise, experience and financial assistance, we have been supporting, guiding and nurturing young individuals on their career path for many years.

Join us!

On young people the world remains

The HR strategy at Hermi is mainly based on young people. We grant scholarships to young promising individuals at all stages of education – vocational, secondary, college and higher education. We also provide an apprenticeship. In addition to providing professional practice and practical training in accordance with our needs, we also offer student or holiday work opportunities with the support of a mentor.

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Scholarships for different profiles

The key to success in the company is people. We believe that every employee, student, scholarship holder, and external associate contributes to the development of the company with their expertise, experience, and personal diversity. Depending on the activities and needs of the company, we support various employment profiles with scholarships.

With its sales segments, Hermi belongs to the companies in the metal industry and the companies of the electronic and electrical industry, which is why we often search for personnel within these industries. As in other companies, we lack deficit personnel. On the one hand, we stimulate interest in such professions, on the other hand, we help in the formation and education of future professionals with professional knowledge and targeted education.

No worries! We also offer scholarships for other profiles. Check between calls for applications!

For more than 15 years, we have been scholarshiping passionate and enthusiastic young individuals who have become exceptional experts in their field.

Practical knowledge, modern technology and financial support

Through scholarships, we ease the financial burden of schooling for young people and their parents and stimulate interest in different professions. We know that in addition to financial independence and stability, scholarship holders look for and appreciate concrete experience, access to knowledge, the possibility of using state-of-the-art equipment, quality, and professionally trained mentors … Technologies, tools, and machines are also developing at a remarkable rate, which is why we invest in the purchase of state-of-the-art machines and software every year. We are constantly making sure that we offer our scholarship holders sufficient challenges and opportunities for further development.

We enable working with state-of-the-art software and production equipment.

With experience up to first job

Scholars gain experience during schooling, get to know work processes and colleagues, learn to manage and work with state-of-the-art software and technical equipment. They are involved in concrete projects and development processes and make a key contribution to the development of the company. They contribute to the professional and personal growth of all involved.

By providing practical training with work, we are teaching young people independence and responsibility, so that they can start work completely independently and without supervision.

At the end of schooling, we enable the first regular employment in an appropriate workplace.

We support different employment profiles with scholarships.

Sports Scholarships

A healthy spirit in a healthy body is one of the values that has been at the forefront of Hermi since its founding. With sponsorship money, we support young athletes with similar values as we have in the company: teamwork, creativity, self-discipline, competition, talent, realization of set goals, belonging, workmanship and perseverance …

We also ease the financial burden for young athletes and women through sports scholarships.

More about sports scholarship receivers

Nem biztos benne, hogy illene-e a csapatunkba?

Mindig betartjuk az ígéreteket, és mindenkit szeretettel várunk.

A HERMI-nél az őszinteség a fő elv, ami egyben azt is jelenti, hogy betartjuk ígéreteinket a megkötött megállapodások teljesítése érdekében.
Értékeljük véleményét és egyenlő foglalkoztatási lehetőségeket biztosítunk. 

További információk a fenntarthatósági szabályzatunkban

Főiskolai vagy egyetemi hallgató vagy?

A fiatalok jelentik a kulcsot emberi erőforrásaink fejlesztéséhez. Cégünk igényein alapuló szakmai gyakorlaton és gyakornoki állásokon kívül lehetőséget kínálunk diákmunkára vagy szünidei munkára is, ahol saját mentorod támogatásával dolgozol. Munkafolyamatainkat, munkakörülményeinket a hallgatóknak szóló nyílt napokon ismerheted meg közelebbről. Hiszünk abban, hogy lelkesedésed professzionalizmussá tudjuk fejleszteni, és üdvözölni tudunk csapatunkban. Éppen ezért évek óta adunk ösztöndíjat fiatal, elkötelezett személyeknek.

Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot, hogy ismertessük az általunk kínált ösztöndíjakat!

Szeretne még valamit megtudni?

Bármilyen felmerülő kérdésére szívesen válaszolunk.

Mirči igazgató (nem látható)
Website name


Hermi, d.o.o.

Trnoveljska cesta 15

3000 Celje
